Apply for Finance

Volvo Selekt dealers offer a range of financial services to suit your needs. Whether you are buying a vehicle for private use or business, we can show you how to finance a car or arrange suitable vehicle finance for you. View any of our cars online to book a test drive with one of the cars for sale. Contact us today and one of our efficient team members will assist you further with your car financing.

A financial package that suits your needs make a big difference when it comes to overall ownership experience. And just as you’d expect from Volvo, we have solutions to make your life easier.

Volvo Car Financial Services offers a complete online shopping experience. You can calculate instalments, determine affordability, apply for finance, sign your contract digitally and manage your account online.

Volvo Car Financial Services, a product of WesBank, a division of FirstRand Bank Limited An Authorised Financial Services and Credit Provider NCRCP20.

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